
Exercise 2.21

The function square-list/1 takes a list of numbers as argument and returns a list of the squares of those numbers.

> (square-list (list 1 2 3 4))
(1 4 9 16)

Here are two different definitions of square-list/1. Complete both of them by filling in the missing expressions:

(defun square-list
  (('()) '())
  ((items) (cons <??> <??>)))
(defun square-list (items)
  (map <??> <??>))

Exercise 2.22

Louis Reasoner tries to rewrite the first square-list function of exercise 2.21 so that it evolves an iterative process:

(defun square-list (items)
  (square-list items '()))

(defun square-list
  (('() answer) answer)
  (((cons head tail) answer)
    (square-list tail
                 (cons (square head)

Unfortunately, defining square-list this way produces the answer list in the reverse order of the one desired. Why?

Louis then tries to fix his bug by interchanging the arguments to cons:

(defun square-list (items)
  (square-list items '()))

(defun square-list
  (('() answer) answer)
  (((cons head tail) answer)
    (square-list tail
                 (cons answer
                       (square head)))))

This doesn't work either. Explain.

Exercise 2.23

The built-in LFE function lists:foreach/2 is similar to our mapper/2 and the built-in lists:map/2. It takes as arguments a function and a list of elements. However, rather than forming a list of the results, foreach/2 just applies the function to each of the elements in turn, from left to right. The values returned by applying the function to the elements are not used at all -- foreach/2 is used with functions that perform an action, such as printing. For example,

> (lists:foreach (lambda (x) (io:format "~n~p~n" (list x)))
                 (list 57 321 88))

The value returned by the call to foreach/2 (not illustrated above) can be something arbitrary, such as true. Give an implementation of foreach/2 that mimics the behaviour of the built-in function.